Brother-in-law' wine cellar temperature and humidity supervision

Covid-19 lockdown extension…and some unfortunate spare time

Web App

Angular ?

You must already have tasted to definitely love !

I guess it’s the same with React, View, etc. The choice of one or the other is personal, professional or contextual. For me it’s rather personal. After some research and reading, I had already used Angular for a private associative project. A modest project but which allowed me to understand the ins and outs of this framework.

The Web-App is the intermediate step before the mobile-App.
I wanted to have a way to preview the devices’ measures without waiting for a mobile app. I still have in mind to use Flutter, but as this is a new framework (and language: DART), I already know that it will take me some time to get used.

I did not find useful to set up an authentication process. On one hand because the Web-App is a temporary way for data-visualization and on the other hand because the data are not confidential. If someone suceed to access the temperature and humidity measures from my brother-in-law’s wine cellar or my living room, great good !

Set environment

1) Create Virtual Host on Apache web server

Let’s refer to the previous chapter (API) in oder to install Apache, required modules and create SSL certificats.
In the same way, another Virtual Host is mandatory in order to serve the Web App URL.

Create Virtual Host folder (assuming Web App URL is

root@vps: mkdir /var/www/

Create public_html folder in order to host the Web-App’s Angular files: 

root@vps: mkdir /var/www/

Create Virtual Host configuration file: 

root@vps: nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

and copy following lines:

<VirtualHost *:80>
redirect permanent /

<VirtualHost *:443>

DocumentRoot /var/www/
ErrorLog /var/www/
CustomLog /var/www/ combined

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /<path-to-ssl-certificats>/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /<path-to-ssl-certificats>/
SSLCertificateChainFile /<path-to-ssl-certificats>/


Enable site: 

root@vps: a2ensite

Restart Apache: 

root@vps: systemctl restart apache2

2) Install Web-App

A) Install GIT if not already done.

and clone API App (cf GITHUB)

root@vps: git clone

Move /dist folder’s content to Virtual Host folder:

root@vps: mv PUB-DEVICE-SENSOR-WEBAPP/dist/webreport/*.* /var/www/

Move to Virtual Host Assets’ folder:

root@vps: cd /var/www/

Open settings.json file

root@vps: /var/www/ nano settings.json

and replace <API_URL> with the correct one, e.g.




Restart Apache: 

root@vps: systemctl restart apache2

Open web browser and enter the web-App URL to check display and API connection

3) OPTIONAL – Install development environment

Assuming that Web-App has already been cloned into PUB-DEVICE-SENSOR-WEBAPP cf above.

Move to sources folder:


Install libraries from package.json file (it will also install Angular CLI):

root@vps:/PUB-DEVICE-SENSOR-WEBAPP# npm install

After modifications, build project:

root@vps:/PUB-DEVICE-SENSOR-API# ng build –PROD

Nice to know: Visual Studio Code + Remote-SSH pluging provides a tunnel from local to remote server. So, run ‘ng serve‘ open navigator to ‘localhost:422‘ for real-time testing

Inside the Web-App

Web-App is also very simple: 2 services and 4 components. As mentionned above, there is no authentification step.

Schema below (+ comments into the source code) is cleared enough to understand the main structure:

Now, run the Web-App…

1st screen: choose a client

2nd screen: understand the last measures per devices

3rd screen: dig inside the measures history

To complete the loop, let’s take a look to the settings tools giving the ability to easily set-up the devices in one shot…