Experiments, DIY & Proof Of Concept sharing

Create, experiment, seek, never give-up, start over, arouse curiosity, cultivate and above all have fun
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Brother-in-law’ wine cellar humidity and temperature supervision

(PART #2) : Mobile App

March 2021
The mobile App running on Androis and iOS. A good opportuniy to explore and learn Fluter and Dart.
Flutter | DART | Android | iOS | Firebase

ESPRESSIF ESP32 AT commands firmware: UART host interface

February 2021
How to recompile the AT-commands firmware from ESPRESSIF in order to make host and ESP32 modules/chips to talk via UART rather than SPI.  
ESP32 | ESPRESSIF Tool Chain | AT commands |  UART | WiFi&Blueooth modules | Debian

Brother-in-law’ wine cellar humidity and temperature supervision

(PART #1)

February 2021
End-to-end project including hardware development up to the cloud-web-application. Humidity, temperature, partial pressure and dew point temperature measures are transfered to a bridge-device relaying to the cloud API and eventually into a database; this  while WiFi is not accessible, especially from the ceillar (hence the use of 868MHZ transceiver).
An angular Web-App for measures’ history vizualisation and 2 Apps for devices settings: a JAVA/Swing JAR and an Angular Web-App.
C++ | FreeRTOS | Javascript | Typescript | NodeJS | Angular V11 | JAVA&Swing | Rest-API | Debian | Apache | PostgreSQL | Arduino | Seeed XIAO | I2C | Serial Peripheral Interface | UART | TI CC1101 868MHZ transceiver | HTU21D Humidity&Temperature sensor | ATMEL SAMD21G18A | Expressif ESP8266 WiFi interface | MS Visual Studio Code | PlatformIO | WebUSB | Sketchup | 3D printing

The ultimate “raspi-meeting-room project”

May 2020
A meeting-room bookings display based on Raspberry PI Zero W and Waveshare e-Paper 4.2 inch module.
Bookings are retreived in real-time either from Google GSuite (Google API) or Microsoft 365 (Graph API), including push-notifications.
Javascript | Typescript | NodeJS | Rest-API | MS Graph API | Google API | Raspberry | Raspbian | e-Paper | Serial Peripheral Interface | Sketchup | 3D printing